Autumn Boulevard, Paris

   Today's image is an oil painting by American Impressionist, Childe Hassam (pronounced child, hass'm) titled Autumn Boulevard, Paris.  It is in a private collection.  It was painted sometime between 1886-89 when Hassam spent 3 years in Paris studying European painting.  There is no evidence Hassam ever met Monet, Renoir or others as the French group of impressionists had pretty much dissolved as a group by 1886, the time of their last and final exhibit.  But obviously, Hassam captured the spirit of the movement and brought it home to New York.
   This beautiful image is an unusual composition.  Here the center of attention bounces from the horse and carriage to the woman waiting at the curb.  The line of the curb draws the two together, plus the evenly spaced row of trees acting as a rhythm pattern moving the eye across the canvas.   The color harmony is blue/green to orange/red, another complementary arrangement.  Notice how the woman's white apron pops her into our view.   Hassam's brushstrokes of spots of color remind us of the Seurat and the pointilists, or even Cezanne,  but he is not completely consistent with it. 
  So what is happening here?  Is it raining?  Why is the woman at the curb?   Is the carriage a taxi, or is she simply waiting to cross the street.   She is wearing a plain dark day dress with apron, why?  Who is she and what is she doing?    Please write me your answer, I am waiting to read!
   Make Art a part of your day, its a beautiful thing to do.


  1. I think there is definitely a connection between the woman and the carriage. Her white apron draws us to the horses head and her dark hair repeats the color in the carriage seat. She appears to be looking toward him and has a basket of flowers to take to someone special. It may have rained earlier, causing the reflections, but she has no umbrella. I like the way the other people and horses are obscure, but they are still there. the area is busy in a peaceful way. Love it. Thankyou. (oh, the waistline!!)

  2. YES, her tiny little waistline is amazing! Thanks for the thoughts, just great.


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