Patricia Beckmann, "Two Buildings" and "Black River"

   My apology's to any readers as I am coming in a little late on Monday.   This week is my 150th blog post, so in order to celebrate, I thought I would show you a couple of my own works.  

   The first is a small watercolor done on site some years ago, but I always liked it.  Back then a group of friends painted together every Wednesday.  Great weather was spent in locations such as this, outdoors.   I can't remember the exact location, but it doesn't matter.  

   To me this is simply two small out buildings sitting in the sun.  My memory is that it was morning, hence the yellow/green foreground.   The three lines stretching between the trees are probably power lines.  

  I know the painting was done in an hour or less, one seating and I have always liked it's freshness, which is why I kept it.


      Now here is something else entirely!

This is a mixed media work, often considered a collage. It is made out of paper and paint.

     It has no special meaning, only my assemblage of patterns, shapes and lines.  The border edge that you see is actually the edge of a 4 inch matt so do not confuse it, but imagine with a large white border setting it apart from a hanging space.

    A special center of interest is difficult to determine as the black line is designed to carry the eye down the format like a windy black river.   

   I have done paper collages for many years and they have changed considerably, with this one being one of the most recent.   

"Two Buildings" is a watercolor on paper.   It measures 8 inches by 10 inches.   "Black River" is a paper collage with acrylic paint and measures 11 inches by 18 inches.  Both paintings are part of my personal collection.

Make Art a part of your life, it's a beautiful thing to do.  


  1. Congrat's on 150 blogs and treating us with your work. Working on the spot in one sitting was always so rewarding; making quick decisions as the sun and shadows moved quickly. I agree, there is always the freshness of something not overworked, as I tend to do. These works always seemed more authentic!! Your collages have advanced, and I love them. But I still enjoy an earlier one I have on my wall. Spring is near!! Time for outdoor painting again!!! :)

    1. You are so right, Char! Spring is near and soon outdoor painting can begin again. It would be fun to gather some friends and DO IT!


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