Patricia Beckmann "Yellow Flower"

   When I moved to my new home five years ago, I wanted a couple of flower paintings to brighten  up an outdoor deck for summer months.   I ended up doing a whole series in different sizes, simply because they were fun to make.   Of all of them, this one is one of the ones I enjoy the most.  It now hangs in my dining area year round. 

   Do not try and give a name to it, as I did not look at a specific flower. This one grew out of my imagination. 

Unfortunately when I took the photo I could not remove the glare visible in the upper left, so please excuse. 

   I "read" several things into this image.  To me, it has a slight "Georgia O'Keeffe"  quality.  I was very pleased with the colors, especially the blues.  There was no attempt at creating foreground or background, only please shapes of color.  I have no problem with art created simply to decorate a space.  Actually, I have come to believe it is a honest and worthwhile endeavor.  This painting brings me joy, and so I have it in my home.   I hope you also have works on your walls that lighten your days, as this one does mine.  

   It is an acrylic on board, measuring 24 inches high, 19 inches across.  It is part of my private collection.   P. B. 

Make Art a part of your life, it's a beautiful thing to do.    


  1. Thanks for sharing!! It reminds me that I often over work and detail too much It is pure and lovely. I feel a rhythm in the flower pattern and like the minimal colors. The beautiful blue background highlights the varied shapes and greens in the leaves. The points on the petals are an added touch. The size is impressive. Definitely a bright addition to any location!!


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