James Tissot, "Young Lady in a Boat"

     I first saw this last week in my favorite art calendar.  Isn't she beautiful! I had read about the artist before, but knew little about him, however just by looking at this painting I knew it was a commissioned portrait.   We often forget that most career painters need to make money, a living.  And, portraits of society people (who could afford it) was often an artist's choice.   Looking at this beautiful image, it almost makes me wish I was a society lady in France, 1870.  I would want James Tissot to make me look this wonderful! 

    Looking closely at this painting poses a few practical questions.  First, James Jacques Joseph Tissot (1836-1902) was French and generally knew and accepted with the Impressionists, but he never exhibited with them, or the Post-Impressionists.  A year after this painting was completed, in 1871 he moved to London where he continued an active portrait business.  I will note here, that Tissot painted a variety of other subjects throughout his career, but today let us just look at this one.  

    My first question is: who had the idea of setting her in the boat?  I think it is a beautiful scene, but wonder if this was something normal for her?  And if so, would she wear such a wonderful hat, and long sleeve dress, and wrap herself in a lovely blanket?   The fan is an indication it is warm, and no doubt....it seems to be middle of summer.   Then we have the dog.  He and the white flowers perfectly balance the entire image, adding interest and variety.  Because he is physically separated from her, I question what connection he has with her?  They are both looking straight out at us, so we must be there, but she doesn't seem to be super pleased that we have arrived.  

   This is a wonderfully designed painting.  I love the weeds/leaves on the right and in the foreground. And look how the water is very light close to us and drastically darkens as it moves back. My guess is that Tissot set up this scene in the water and boat, and as quickly as possible did a drawing/sketch of the whole scene before the heat and bugs drove them indoors.  Then she returned many times to sit in studio in that pose.  Her expression alone, seems to tell me this was not a quick, one time setting but many hours sitting still.   However the results are wonderful and I am sure she and her family were very happy with it. 

  "Young Lady in a Boat" was completed in 1870.  It is an oil on canvas and is in a private collection   It measures 19.7 inches high and 25.5 inches wide.  

Make Art a part of your life, it's a beautiful thing to do.     


  1. I can easily imagine her lovely face and beautiful hair as a 2022 model!! This artist gives his female models fabulous dresses with a variety of fabrics, folds, ruffles, and designs. I believe she is totally set up indoors with perfect lighting and the entire surroundings are a painted in background , including the boat and dog. The front of the boat does not appear to be sitting on the water. There is no movement in the water. She is leaning to the center right, but the dog balances her.. Yes, she is gorgeous, but I would be overwhelmed in that dress and hat on a warm summer day. Her hands are so graceful She is a distinctive lady and the artist is exceptional. He surely must have pleased his client!!


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